“We are very happy that #Janathakshan organized this training for us. We have already started to practice 3R and make compost made out of household waste. We also have initiated a business to make soaps with coconut leftovers. We train all Community-Based Organizations (#CBOs) on soap production methods. We hope that Janathakshan will aware communities through leaflets and other social media platforms. Also, Janathakshan can aware women and create avenues for self-businesses through disseminating knowledge and technology.
– Ms. Prithi Kumarai, President, Wanamali Women-Based Association, Raggahawatta, Kaduwela
Community Animator Training on #SolidWasteManagement/3R and their role as #Community #Animators
Two training programs were conducted at Community Education Center, Thalahena, Malambe for the identified community animators in Athurugiriya, Battaramulla, and Kaduwela sub-divisions in the #Kaduwela Municipal area on 11th February and 02nd March 2023. The objective of the training was to educate/aware selected community animators on SWM/3R and their role as animators. In the first training, 23 (06 Male and 17 Female) community animators participated, and on the second day, 53 (28 Male and 25 Female) community animators participated in the training. These Community Animators were represented by Senior Citizens’ Associations, Women-Based Associations, Rural Development Associations, and Youth Clubs. The training contained 02 training sessions. Mr. Hasanka Padukka discussed SWM/3R and Mr. Krishantha Vidanagamage, Director, Green Step Private Limited, and Ms. Achini Ilesinghe conducted their sessions on plastic types identification. The sessions consisted of group work, group presentations, and practical sessions. An open discussion was conducted to discuss the future work plan with the community animators under the project. Some of the participants shared their thoughts regarding the training.