The third (3rd) national #consultation workshop on “Revising and updating the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) of 2012” was held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm at the Grand Monarch Hotel, Talawathugoda. This workshop focused on presenting and validating the final draft of NCCP of 2012 by presenting it to representatives from the government, private sector and Civil Society as well as international organizations in Sri Lanka.
The #MinistryofEnvironment has recognized the urgent need for revising and updating the NCCP of 2012. Accordingly, the Climate Change Secretariat (CCS) of the Ministry of Environment planned to identify the policy priorities and provisions and strengthen the national governance capacities related to climate adaptation and mitigation to comply with the national and international #climate commitments.
To foster a broader #stakeholder engagement in this process, national and provincial-level stakeholder consultation workshops were held in March and September 2022. The second national consultation workshop was held in October 2022 to present the improved draft of the policy and obtain further comments and feedback from the stakeholders.
The #policy draft is further refined now with the inputs received from the second consultation workshop. During today’s national consultation further discussion and debate was generated and the stakeholders could be enlightened on the further changes done to the Policy as required.
Dr. Sunimal Jayatunga, Additional Secretary, Environment Development, Ministry of Environment; Ms. Sureka Perera, Programme Quality and Design Analyst, Climate & Environment Team, UNDP; Prof. Buddhi Marambe – team leader – Technical expert team, Janathakshan (Gte) Ltd.; Dr. B.V.R. Punyawardhane, Dr. W.M.W Weerakoon, Ms. Madhavi Ariyabandu – Members of the Technical Expert Team, Janathakshan (Gte) Ltd.; Mr. Leel Randeni, Director Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Environment were present in this consultation workshop.
#Janathakshan facilitated the organizing of the consultation ensuring the participation of key stakeholders who were part of the process of refining the NCCP of 2012.