One of the biggest challenges in climate change is that the significantly reduced predictability of known climate patterns. In Sri Lanka, the agriculture sector is mainly based on the known climate patterns and seasons. Downscaling of climate and weather forecasts while ensuring those messages are communicated appropriately is imperative for climate change adaptation.
Janathakshan GTE has been invited to be a partner for a joint action research project implemented by the Institute of Policy Studies, Department of Meteorology, and South Asian Network of Development and Environmental
Economics (SANDEE) to find a solution for this challenge. Integrated Climate Information Management Systems (ICIMS) have been tested through this project. The objective of this intervention was to reduce the vulnerability of farmers to climate risks and increase their adaptive capacity to face those risks. The research team worked with 06 communities in Anuradhapura, Hambantota, Kurunegala, Rathnapura, Batticaloa, and Badulla districts. This was a three-year project and it was funded by the Think Tank Initiative Opportunity Fund of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.