Sri Lanka, as a party to the UNFCCC, prepared its Third National Communication (TNC) with support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and technical support from UNDP. A consortium comprised of four leading organizations in Sri Lanka, Janathakshan, Sri Lanka Youth Climate Action Network (SLYCAN) Trust, Integrated Development Association (IDEA), and Sri Lanka Press Institute partnered in this process. The consortium handled the communication outreach and development of research and communication strategies under the TNC.Janathakshan and the consortium members supported the Climate Change Secretariat of the government of Sri Lanka and UNDP to take the TNC development process to the subnational levels. Active engagement and contributions of the Provincial Councils have been identified as an important aspect in mainstreaming climate change into the development process in Sri Lanka. Janathakshan and the consortium partners organized a series of workshops and engagement platforms for provincial stakeholders in all the provinces in the country. The research strategy has been finalized in consultation with the key stakeholders with the view that climate change research in Sri Lanka will be carried out in a strategic and coordinated manner inline with the country’s priorities. A knowledge repository has been developed and launched by Janathakshan under this initiative so that it will be a one-stop-shop for Sri Lankan research on climate change.