Practical Action implemented the Northern Rebuilding Programme in Killinochchi and Mullaitivu districts with financial assistance from USAID/OFDA in 2011. Conclusion in November 2013 the programme significantly impacted livelihoods by improving village level agricultural infrastructure enabling 14,780 returnee community members to resume agricultural and fisheries livelihoods. In total, 11 minor irrigation tanks, 5 km of irrigation channels, 6 km of salt water extrusion bunds, 200 acres of paddy lands, 6 km of agro roads and 7.5 km of fisheries access roads were rehabilitated. Additionally, 786 of the most vulnerable fisher families were provided with fishing crafts and gear to restart their livelihoods. The cash for work component of the programme assisted for more than 1,000 individuals through engagement in rehabilitation of the infrastructure. Employing a participatory approach, during planning, implementation and monitoring the programme promoted equal participation of women with a special focus on the most vulnerable in the community. Practical Action’s Participatory Market System Development (PMSD) interventions in Killinochchi and Mullaitivu saw an estimated 28,169 fisher and farmer families benefit from improved market systems and access to new markets and business services regionally and nationally.