THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF TSUNAMI AFFECTED COMMUNITIES (SET) PROJECTThe Socio-economic Empowerment of Tsunami Affected Communities Project worked in 4 divisional secretariat divisions (DSD) severely affected by conflict and the tsunami in the Batticaloa district. 92 % funded by the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) on a total budget of £590,566 SET was implemented by Practical Action in 2009. Concluding in 2013, SET addressed the most pressing community needs such as stronger, supportive institutional structures and systems, sustainable livelihoods, and disaster-resistant infrastructure. SET also worked with Sri Lanka’s indigenous coastal Veddha community helping them to adjust to life out of the wild and break the shackles of poverty via sustainable livelihood promotion and empowerment of women through income generation. The different project components directly benefitted 10,214 tsunami affected villagers and communities at 23 neighbouring villages. Today, community institutions have the capacity to access funding from government and service organizations to plan and implement disaster resistant sustainable livelihood development. 71% of families (7,284 people) have experienced a 202% increase in income  through improved productivity and market access, infrastructure facilities and service linkages Additionally, 63% of the families (6,452 people) enjoy a significant increase in water availability enabling a 295% increase in paddy cultivation and year-round water for 3,000 cattle. Improved access to drinking water for 3,720 people has greatly enhanced their resilience to natural disasters such as droughts, floods and cyclones.

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