Circle Posts


#INNOVATIONMATTERS – TESTING NEW IDEAS AND TECHNOLOGIES   Janathakshan believes the best way of forecasting the future is by creating it. We believe appropriate solutions are there for all the challenges we face in the pathway towards sustainable development. Innovations are important in creating the future we want. Janathakshan has identified a cross-cutting priority of […]



#EVERYBITMATTERS – INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICTS) FOR SUSTAINABILITY   ICT has demonstrated several positive implications on people’s lives and livelihood. Janathakshan aims at using ICT for sustainable initiatives while removing the barriers on inclusions and digital-divide especially by developing and rolling out of ICT applications to enhance resilience and adaptive capacities among men, women



#EVERYCITYMATTERS – FUTURE URBAN SPACES – SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT   Rapid urbanization has now taken human civilization to a predominantly urban society. We are running into the second decade where the urban population has overtaken the rural population. Cities have become the centres of economic growth with concentrated markets, population and economic activities.



#EVERYCENTMATTERS – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THROUGH MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE (MSME) DEVELOPMENT   Ensuring equity in economic development is a concern in economic growth. Failing to do so will have negative impacts especially on vulnerable men, women and children. MSMEs play a very important role in equity in economic development. Every cent earns by MSMEs



#EVERYTREEMATTERS – ENHANCE GREEN COVER AND BIODIVERSITY   Trees & forests are an integral part of sustaining ecosystems and enhancing the adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities. Deforestation and reducing green cover have become key challenges in sustainable development. The priority of #EveryTreeMatters trying to address the challenges of reducing green cover, forest management and biodiversity



#EVERYWATTMATTERS –  SUSTAINABLE ENERGY – DRIVING SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL (SE4ALL)   “Watt” is a unit to measure energy. Sustainable access to energy is a key economic driver. It is challenging with the current and projected impacts of climate change where phasing out of fossil fuel has become imperative. #EveryWattMatters is the priority under Janathakshan’s Strategic Road-map



#CLIMATEMATTERS – LIVING IN CHANGING CLIMATES   Climate change induced by human activities has been identified as one of the main threats to human civilization. Current and projected impacts of climate change will have negative impacts on all aspects of economic, social and environmental stability including food and water security. Many people and ecosystems are now vulnerable


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